Commercial roofs are like any other roof structure and must be replaced after some time. If you are concerned about global warming and your ever-rising energy bills, then now is the time to consider a replacement that is environmentally friendly. So, what exactly should you be asking about when it comes to your eco-friendly roof replacement?
White Roofing Options
The vast majority of commercial roofs have been and continue to be a dark color.
- Spring is here, and your roof may be showing some signs of wear from the long, cold winter. You know it needs to be replaced, but you may need to wait a few months, either for financial or scheduling reasons. How can you ensure your roof does not start leaking or suffer any more serious damage in the meantime? Here are some ways to help the ailing roof last through the summer.
- One of the top parts of your home that must be in decent condition is your roof. This is the area that shelters your property from the outside elements. Ensuring your roof remains in the best shape will take some effort on your part. It's vital to put these safety tips to work when you're taking on this task. 1. Avoid the rain You may be in a huge hurry to get your roof fixed, but the last thing you'll want to do is jump on the top when it's raining.
- A cedar roof can be a beautiful thing, but just going out and buying cedar roofing isn't as simple as it once was. Here are five options to consider if you're going for that old-fashioned cedar roofing look. 1. Virgin cedar While the best cedar heartwood comes from old-growth trees, old-growth forests are few and far between these days. On top of that, they're typically protected, so even if you don't care about the environmental damage, you may have trouble finding virgin (new) old-growth material for your roof.
- A new roof not only protects your home from moisture, it also makes your home look nicer. You will need to take a few steps to prepare before the work crews arrive, though. 1. Get Permission Your roofing service should handle the procurement of any necessary permits, but you may need to handle things on a more local level. If you live in a homeowner's association–controlled neighborhood, for example, you will need to go through the proper channels to get permission for the work to be performed.