Understanding Your Options For Leaky Roofing Valleys

Valleys appear anywhere on a roof where two downward-sloping surfaces meet. Some simple roofs may have no valleys at all, while other homes may have numerous valleys. These areas often require special attention and can potentially be a source of major maintenance and repair issues. While a correctly-installed roof should generally be fairly trouble-free, roofing valleys can sometimes cause problems.

If you're concerned the valleys on your roof may be a source of leaks, understanding why this happens and what you can do to resolve the issue permanently is crucial. By addressing these problems as soon as possible, you'll avoid causing more damage that may force more extensive repairs or even a roof replacement.

Why Do Valleys Leak?

Valleys are natural locations for water to gather on your roof. A well-installed roofing system doesn't make your roof watertight but directs water away from potentially vulnerable areas. The shingles on your roof allow water to sheet away, and the underlayment beneath the shingles provides an additional layer of protection for your highly vulnerable roof decking.

Anything that allows moisture to remain on one spot on your roof for too long can cause problems. The longer water pools on a section of your roof, the more likely it will find its way beneath the shingles and create leaks. The longer the problem goes on, the more likely there will be additional damage (and even more leaks) on the affected roofing section.

Since water will naturally flow toward valleys, they are a common location for leaks to form. These leaks often occur due to improper installation, lack of flashing, or a roof design that encourages debris (such as leaves and twigs) to collect in valleys and create dams. These situations may lead to persistent leaks in your roof's valleys.

What Should You Do About Valley Leaks?

As with most roofing problems, permanently resolving valley leaks begins by hiring an experienced roofer to investigate the underlying cause of the issue. A roofing contractor can check to ensure the shingles and underlayment around your valleys are in good condition and suggest repairs to these components if necessary.

Sometimes, you may need to take more extensive action to prevent future leaks. For example, if you have a valley prone to leaking, you may need to upgrade or install flashing in this area. Flashing helps to create a more waterproof channel around areas where water may pool, allowing it to flow cleanly off your roof instead of collecting in these areas.

While there may be multiple solutions to roofing valley leaks, the most important thing is always to address the leak as soon as possible. By fixing the leak, you'll prevent moisture from spreading to other parts of your roof and causing more widespread damage to your home.

To have your roof inspected for leaks, contact a roofing repair service in your area.

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The Good Roof Blog

What makes for a good roof? That partially depends where you are located. In a windy climate, you need a heavy roof that won't lift up along the edges. In a hot climate, you need a roof with excellent insulating capabilities, and in a cold climate, you need a roof that is impervious to snow. With so many roofing options, how do you choose the right one? Well, you turn to a roofer. These experts have all the answers when it comes to your roof. You can learn more about them on this blog, which features all sorts of interesting articles.


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