Full Or Partial Siding Replacement: Which Is Right For You

When a portion of your siding becomes damaged, you'll need to determine if you should replace all or part of it. While partial replacement does have some benefits, it may also have some drawbacks. Here are some things to consider when deciding which option is right for you. 

Single-Board Damage

If a single board or panel of your siding becomes damaged, it may be a good idea just to replace that individual piece. This type of damage might come from impact from hail or even a baseball, and it typically requires a quick fix. Check to see if your previous siding installer left behind extra panels at the end of the installation. In some cases, contractors may provide you with additional boards, which might be stored in your garage rafters or in your basement. If you don't have extra boards, work with a siding contractor to find the right material and color to complete this small installation project. 

Fire Or Heat Damage

With exposure to extreme heat, some types of siding might warp or melt. This may involve an entire section of your home's siding, which would require some significant repairs. While you can replace just the boards in that section, it's important to remember that the color might not match exactly. With exposure to the elements, siding colors can fade, and purchasing new materials will result in a patchwork appearance. Depending on the material used, you may want to replace the entire wall of siding to give your home a more cohesive look and maintain its curb appeal. A slight difference in color might not be noticeable from one wall to the next, but it would be noticeable in a portion of the wall. If your home has wood siding, another option would be to repair the damaged area and repaint all of the siding to create an exact color match. Your siding contractor can help you determine the best approach. 

Cracks, Gaps, And Rot

In some situations, damage might extend past a specific section of your home's siding. Wood siding can rot and warp over time, while vinyl siding can crack or chip over time. You may also notice sizable gaps in your siding, which can impact heating and cooling costs or provide easy access for pests to gain entrance into your home. In situations where these issues are found throughout the home's exterior, a full siding replacement project might be the best choice. Areas that aren't already damaged may become damaged in the future, which could lead to a string of smaller repair projects. Talk to your residential siding replacement contractor about the best materials to use for your project. You can also ask about warranties for the project, which can cover both the materials and the installation, depending on the manufacturer of the siding and the terms of service with your contractor. 

Reach out to a siding contractor to learn more. 

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What makes for a good roof? That partially depends where you are located. In a windy climate, you need a heavy roof that won't lift up along the edges. In a hot climate, you need a roof with excellent insulating capabilities, and in a cold climate, you need a roof that is impervious to snow. With so many roofing options, how do you choose the right one? Well, you turn to a roofer. These experts have all the answers when it comes to your roof. You can learn more about them on this blog, which features all sorts of interesting articles.


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