Don't Let The Problem Get Out Of Control: How To Tell When Your Siding Needs Repairs

If you have siding on your home, you should be inspecting it several times a year. Without routine inspections, your siding could be rotting right in front of your eyes. That's because siding damage can actually happen from the inside out. This is especially true where weather damage is concerned. Routine inspections will allow you to identify problems with your siding that need to be addressed. If you haven't inspected your siding in a while, take the time to do that now. If you see any of the issues described below, it's time to have your siding repaired or replaced. 

You've Found Soft Spots 

When you're inspecting your siding, don't just conduct a visual inspection. You also want to touch the siding, especially areas that look slightly different from the rest. This can include areas that look moist or that have a raised appearance. If those areas feel soft or mushy to the touch, your siding will need to be repaired right away. Soft, mushy, or raised areas indicate sections that are water damaged. Without repair or replacement, the moisture damage could spread to surrounding areas. 

You've Found Warped Boards

Now that you're inspecting the siding on your home, pay attention to areas that might be warped. If you're not sure what warped siding looks like, it will be areas where the siding no longer lies flat. Warping can be caused by a couple of different problems, including heat and moisture exposure. Unfortunately, once warping occurs, water can leak between the siding and the house. If that happens, you can end up with a water-damaged home. Not only that, the spaces allow for pest infestations, which can also cause serious problems for your home. If you have any warped siding on your home, call for repairs right away. 

You've Found Cracks and Splits

If your inspection identifies areas in your siding that are cracked or split, you'll need to schedule repairs or replacements. It's not uncommon for siding to split or crack, especially if it hasn't been properly sealed against weather-damage. Unfortunately, both extreme heat and extreme cold can cause this type of damage to your siding. Have your siding repaired or replaced at the first sign of cracking or splitting. Once you have the new siding installed, be sure to apply weather-proofing. That way, your siding will be protected against additional damage. 

Don't overlook your siding. Head out and conduct a thorough inspection of all the siding on your home. If you notice any problems contact a contractor for repairs as soon as possible. 

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The Good Roof Blog

What makes for a good roof? That partially depends where you are located. In a windy climate, you need a heavy roof that won't lift up along the edges. In a hot climate, you need a roof with excellent insulating capabilities, and in a cold climate, you need a roof that is impervious to snow. With so many roofing options, how do you choose the right one? Well, you turn to a roofer. These experts have all the answers when it comes to your roof. You can learn more about them on this blog, which features all sorts of interesting articles.


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